Set the key and start
with ‘Main chords’.
You may start with any chord and create progressions freely
within this section.
Am – FM – B° – E(7)
i – bVI – ii – V
You can compose a melody or embellish the chords using the advance chord/scale diagrams on the back side.

Add a secondary diminished chord.
If you wish to add a secondary diminished chord (of the V chord), move up from any chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section to any of the chords above. The arrow then indicates which chord is to be followed – the V chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section.
Am – F#° – E(7) – G#°
i – vii/V – V – ii
Now add some melody:

Add another secondary diminished.
Move down from any chord from the ‘Main Chords’ section to any of the chords below. The arrow then indicates which chord is to be followed – the ii or bVI chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section.
Am – C#° – Dm – FM
i – vii/iv – iv – bVI
Now add some melody:

Add a Neapolitan 6th chord.
If you wish to add a Neapolitan chord, move to the upper right section from any chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section. The arrow then indicates which chord is to be followed – the Dominant (V) chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section.
Am – FM – BbM/D – E(7)
i – bVI – bII – V
Now add some melody:

Add a Neapolitan 6th chord and a secondary diminished.
A Neapolitan chord usually resolves to the Dominant (V) chord but you can also add a secondary diminished chord in the upper left section before resolving to the Dominant (V) chord.
Am – BbM/D – D#° – E(7)
i – bII – vii/V – V
Now add some melody:

Now it’s your turn.
Get inspired by chord_files Progressions and Dark harmony and just watch the ideas fly.