The examples

Just a few examples of what you can do with the chord_files.

The examples

Just a few examples of what you can do with the chord_files.

Example dark harmony

Set the key and start
with ‘Main chords’.

You may start with any chord and create progressions freely
within this section.

Am – FM – B° – E(7)
  i   –  bVI  – ii  –  V

You can compose a melody or embellish the chords using the advance chord/scale diagrams on the back side.

Example dark harmony

Add a secondary diminished chord.

If you wish to add a secondary diminished chord (of the V chord), move up from any chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section to any of the chords above. The arrow then indicates which chord is to be followed – the V chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section.

Am – F#°  –  E(7)  –  G#°
  i  –  vii/V  –   V   –   ii

Now add some melody:

Example dark harmony

Add another secondary diminished.

Move down from any chord from the ‘Main Chords’ section to any of the chords below. The arrow then indicates which chord is to be followed – the ii or bVI chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section.

Am –  C#°  –  Dm  –  FM
   i   –  vii/iv  –  iv  –  bVI

Now add some melody:

Example dark harmony

Add a Neapolitan 6th chord.

If you wish to add a Neapolitan chord, move to the upper right section from any chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section. The arrow then indicates which chord is to be followed – the Dominant (V) chord in the ‘Main Chords’ section.

Am – FM – BbM/D – E(7)
   i   –  bVI   –  bII   –   V

Now add some melody:

Example dark harmony

Add a Neapolitan 6th chord and a secondary diminished.

A Neapolitan chord usually resolves to the Dominant (V) chord but you can also add a secondary diminished chord in the upper left section before resolving to the Dominant (V) chord.

Am –  BbM/D  –  D#°E(7)
  i     –     bII    –     vii/V  –  V

Now add some melody:

Example dark harmony

Now it’s your turn.

Get inspired by chord_files Progressions and Dark harmony and just watch the ideas fly.

Example dark harmony
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